



➡️ Obstetrical Emergency


Shoulder dystocia is an obstetrical emergency where the baby’s head is delivered BUT The anterior shoulder gets trapped behind the symphysis pubis and the baby is stuck!

We have 3 to 5 minutes to get baby out!


🔻Predisposing Factors

(1) Large baby

(2) Maternal diabetes

(3) Maternal obesity

(4) Post-term pregnancies

(5) High parity

(6) Maternal age >35 years

(7) Previous shoulder dystocia

(8) Births of babies >4500 grams to mothers with diabetes have up to 50% shoulder dystocia

🔻Complications of Shoulder Dystocia

(a) Maternal

-postpartum hemorrhage

- rectovaginal fistula

- separation of symphysis pubis

- 3rd or 4th degree tear

- uterine rupture

(b) Fetal

- fetal death

- fetal hypoxia

- brachial plexus palsy

- clavicle fracture

- fracture of humerus

Recognize the TURTLE SIGN!

I think for midwifery student you know this "Turtle Sign"

Mnemonic: HELPERR

H- Help

E- Evaluate for episiotomy

L- Legs in McRoberts position

P- Suprapubic Pressure

E- Enter vagina (internal rotation &posterior arm)

R- Rotate (on to all fours)

R- Repeat

Get Help!

Have someone call for help

Look at the clock and ask someone to keep track of how many minutes have passed

Begin with non-invasive procedures

AVOID – pushing, pulling baby

NO fundal pressure!

Change the Mother’s Position - #1


Any change may be helpful to release the shoulders

Help move mother into a position that opens the pelvis to a bigger space

McRobert’s Position

Legs to the sides and elevated

McRobert’s Position

McRobert’s Opens the Pelvis Wider!

Try Gentle Pressure Downwards to Deliver Anterior Shoulder

Step #2 - Suprapubic Pressure

Helper applies suprapubic pressure on the back of the anterior shoulder. This helps baby to turn.

This may free the shoulder!

Suprapubic Pressure – use the palm. Sustained pressure or rocking

#3) Enter Vagina: Internal maneuvers to turn baby and free the shoulders!

Rotate Anterior Shoulder

#4) Deliver the Posterior Arm

Deliver The Posterior Arm

– locate posterior arm

– direct it into the empty sacrum

– splint the wrists and forearm

– sweep across the chest to deliver

– this reduces the diameter of the shoulders

#5) Rotate onto Hands & Knees

The Gaskin Maneuver Repeat the maneuvers!

Maneuvers of Last Resort

If possible prevent injury to the neonate

Fracture clavicle of the baby


But midwives and nurses are good with their hands! Practice to become highly skilled at management of shoulder dystocia!

Stay Calm

NO Pushing or Pulling

– Pulling harder will not free the shoulder

– It will get more stuck!

– Do not apply fundal pressure

Practice as a team to be prepared in the event of emergency

Review - HELPERR

☑️ Summary

Birth attendant has 5 minutes after delivery of the head before the baby develops acidosis and hypoxia

No single maneuver more effective or safer

Try each maneuver for 30 seconds

If not immediately successful move to the next maneuver


1. The Bonny Pelvis

2. Normal Labor

3. Normal Pueperium

4. Partograph

5. Prenatal/Antenatal Care

6. Postparturm Care


8. PPH

9. Shoulder Dystocia

10. Abnormal Labor

11. Cord Prolapse and Presentation

12. Multiple Pregnancy

13. Pre-eclampsia and Eclampsia

14. Anterpartum Hemorrhage

15. Risk factors occuring During Pregnancy

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